
(osdd system, this is mostly a reference for us/each other so yeah cool πŸ‘)

  • 🌿 amal: fennec fox demon (aroace + agender) 100 and something in demon years, 28 in human years | he/xe

  • πŸ‘Ή pete: weird demon thing (demiboy glitchgender + queer) in the 1000s (demon years) but 20-23 in human years | he/they/it

  • ✨ miles: old god-adjacent creature/angel (nonbinary + aroace) 1040-1048 in angel years, 30 in human years | he/xe/they

  • πŸ’« yahe: young angel (nonbinary) 300s in angel years, 7-9 in human years | xe/they/we/zir

  • πŸŽ† benjemin/buck: weird mortal humanoid creature, black (pan + trans + demisexual) 13-15 | he/him

  • 🐱 cain/c41n/holly: humanoid(?), black (not cishet) ageless but its body is similar to the body | it/blood

  • 🐈 ava: human/catgirl, black (?) 10-12 | she/her

  • πŸ₯€ barnes (do not call him bucky or james): human, white (queer) technically 95, looks 27/28 | he/they

  • 🌌 taylor lott: human, black (transmasc nonbinary + aroace) 22 | they/them

  • 🦾 edmund/ed bridge: human, black (trans + gay + ace) 19 | he/him

  • 🩹 tape bag: human, white (cis + bi + ace) 19 | he/him

  • 🐦 stanley uris: human, not white jewish (trans + ? + ace) 19 | he/they

  • 🎭 zacharie: human/angel(?), mexican + french (gay + not cis) ageless | he/him

  • 🐊 batteur: not human (???) ageless | he/it

  • πŸŒ‘ wilbur: human/ghost, white/british (trans + queer) 22 | he/they/moon

  • 🐾 duck: cat (trans + queer) 19 in human years | he/him

  • πŸ’€ naps/brimstone: demon, white + black (trans + gay) 21 | he/they/kiln/flame/smoke

  • ❗️ tom/dorian: white/british + demon creature (transmasc + gay) 13-17 | he/they/it

  • πŸ… j (short for jellyfish, just use j!): symbiote (think like venom and carnage)/shadow (gay, seajellygender) ??? (adult) | it/vae

  • πŸͺž many/pilot (uses the council/body's other names as well, Is The Council): humaniod/spectre shapeshifter, black (queer + offgender+ demisexual) 3-body age | it/xe/hie (those pronouns are always good but it also uses the body's other pronouns)

  • πŸ“Ό raymond (just ray is fine): human/half ghost (think danny phantom), black + british (queer + trans + agender) 18 | it/its

  • πŸ–₯ phil: just a guy :), white/british (cishet i suppose?) 28 | he/him

  • πŸ— boar/blade: epic piglin + mexican(?) (queer, not cis) ageless, adult | he/it

  • 🌈 vincent: i’m probably part spiral creature, mexican and british (gay and trans) 19 | he/they

  • 🐺 kieran: grimm wolf, honduran and irish (gay, agender) 21 | it/they/he

  • ❇️ claymore: human, black and white (trans + gay) 20 | he/it/they

  • πŸ„ archivist/jon simms: archivist/nonhuman, black and british (trans + queer + ace) 27 | he/it

πŸͺžThe Council

(pilot’s subsystem)

  • (πŸ‘Ύ) daniek (danny is preferred!) hie/they (bucky, richie, halpert, gromit, tomcat, clint, dano, joker)

  • (πŸ‘½) will it/its (mellohi, vorhees, petrichor, nine, marc(kl))

  • (3️⃣) achilles it/its (knife, igor, icarus)

  • (πŸ₯‡) many (or carnival preferred) it/xe (coldplay, abel, elphaba, tyler (just say t), willhelm, barns, wolfgang, karl)